Lanasia joins Leaders for Climate Action

With Lanasia, we have been committed to active environmental protection since the company was founded. Our most important goal is to grow sustainably as a young company while using our planet's resources responsibly. This also includes keeping our ecological footprint as small as possible. By joining the international climate protection initiative "Leaders for Climate Action", we regularly calculate our CO2 footprint, offset our company emissions and participate in exciting campaigns.

To prevent nature from being further polluted with vast amounts of plastic and packaging waste and high CO2 emissions from shipping and returns, a rethink in e-commerce is absolutely necessary. We see it as our responsibility to create a corporate culture of the future today. An important factor in our 6-pillar sustainability strategy is the ecological footprint of our company. Since the foundation of our company, we have attached great importance to climate-friendly production and shipping conditions, pay attention to resource-saving procedures in the manufacturing process and are already creating the basis for a climate-friendly workplace in our company building in Liechtenstein.

Read more: The ecological footprint as a benchmark for sustainability

Lanasia as a member of Leaders for Climate Action

We are especially proud to announce that since December 2020 we are a new member of the climate protection initiative "Leaders for Climate Action" (LFCA) and are officially considered as climate neutral company .

LFCA is a voluntary initiative in which companies take personal responsibility to actively protect the climate and reduce CO2 emissions. More than 500 companies in the digital space are already part of LFCA, benefiting from a regular exchange with each other and jointly participating in climate protection projects. As a sustainable fashion label, we see our responsibility for climate protection in the internal and external corporate sphere. Within our company, we therefore regularly identify new savings potential of CO2 emissions and compensate necessary CO2 emissions. Through this voluntary commitment Lanasia makes an important contribution to the Paris Climate Agreement

Using the LFCA app, we calculated our 2020 CO2 emissions for Lanasia and our employees. By donating to the certified carbon offset project "Rimba Raya Orang Utan Reserve" in Indonesia, we were able to more than double our CO2 emissions and are now officially listed on LFCA's site as a carbon neutral company .

What the Rimba Raya Orang Utan Reserve is advocating for:

"Rimba Raya is showing the world it is possible to protect forests, their indigenous wildlife AND improve the livelihoods of local communities at the same time." - Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve (

The Rimba Raya Project is committed to the conservation and reforestation of rainforests, in addition to numerous programs. The species-rich jungle of Borneo is particularly badly affected by slash-and-burn and deforestation. Not only does rainforest destruction contribute significantly to global warming and thus to climate change, but numerous species threatened with extinction are also losing their unique habitat. The highly endangered Bornean orangutans are now only found on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra, but these are among the areas with the highest rates of deforestation in the world.

Rimba Raya is therefore working closely with the Orang Utan Foundation International to reforest and conserve tropical rainforests and provide a unique habitat for orangutans.

  • The Rimba Raya Orangutan Reserve in Indonesia is the largest privately funded orangutan reserve in the world where the animals can recover and rehabilitate.
  • The tropical ecosystem is capable of absorbing up to 100 million tons of CO2.
  • The rainforest is home to over a thousand species of plants and animals.
  • Local communities living in symbiosis with nature receive support (access to fresh water, green energy and medical care).
  • The project is supported by REDD++ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation).
  • The project has been awarded the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) by Verra.

We are very pleased to be able to support such a great climate and species protection project with our donation.

Our goal is to leave an even smaller ecological footprint as a company in 2021 and to donate necessary emissions to a climate protection organization.

Earth Day 2021

For one week around Earth Day on April 22, 2021, everything will revolve around our climate. Earth Day has been celebrated on April 22 since 1970. On this first Earth Day, more than 20 million people in the USA participated. Since 1970, many pivotal events have occurred on this special day dedicated to our planet. In 2015, for example, 190 countries officially signed the Paris Climate Agreement at the United Nations headquarters (in New York). This year's event also took place in more than 150 countries and unites people around the world in their common goal of actively contributing to climate protection. This year's motto, "Think globally, act locally," challenges each of us to make our own contribution, reduce our carbon footprint and inspire our fellow human beings to act in a more environmentally friendly way.

On the homepage you will find all the important information on current Earth Week projects and over 50 tips on how you can actively protect the climate!

Europe-wide campaign for Earth Day

Together with over 200 other members of "Leaders for Climate Action", LANASIA is participating in a Europe-wide campaign for climate protection with exciting Instagram Stories, newsletters and blogposts. Every day we introduce you to a new pillar of our corporate philosophy, challenge you to actively protect the climate with small challenges and plant a tree in the Indonesian Rimba Raya Orang Utan Forest for every order placed in our online store!



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